Release notes
Xi-Text Legacy release 1.24.1
Xi-text scheduler becoming unresponsive
- Main loop re-engineered
Intent and impact
On recent platforms running RedHat and compatible Linux, the scheduler can become unresponsive in certain conditions. This occurs when utilities such as spq are executed. The root cause is a logic error in the main loop which has now been reconstructed in this version.
Removal of Motif libraries in standard package
- Motif interface no longer included
Intent and impact
Owing to reduced support on recent platforms, the motif GUI is now not included by default.
Custom builds are available and can be provided with motif.
Xi-Text Legacy release 1.24.0
Legacy & sun-setting
- Product name suffixed by '_legacy'
Intent and impact
The intent of adding _legacy is to clearly identify that the 'original' version of the products is now in 'sunset'. This V1 _legacy product will be supported to 2030. Following this, special arrangements can be made for extended support on a case by case basis.
The replacement product is essential to enable delivery of the roadmap. it will be known as V2 and will not be compatible with the current V1 _legacy products which have enjoyed 40 years of service.
More details on the replacement products will be provided in due course.
- Rewrite build system - simplification and automation
- Implement automated test suite with initial tests
- Add option to build with specific customisations (known as 'blends')
Intent & impact
This change is intended to make it easier to build new versions across platforms, compiled and tested for specific Linux distributions as well as Unix variants.
Additionally, custom distributions can be provided, based on the same core code using specific 'blends'. Example usage:
- A distributor uses custom paths for their clients, these can be configured in the distribution for that distributor
- A specific operating system requires compile-time options to integrate with security profiles
Automated testing has been added. New test cases will be identified and added to the test system, therefore monitoring for regressions and issues across target platforms.
The changes mainly impact the developers however we expect that this will create a better customer experience and improve product quality.
Separated Xi-Util from Xi-Text and Xi-Batch -therefore you now must install Xi-Util alongside the product that you use.
Release name and numbering system
- Products renamed: xitext_legacy xibatch_legacy xiutil_legacy
- Version number prefixed with '1.'
- Release naming structure is : CPU-MFR-OSNAME-PRODUCT-BLEND-VERSION
- Extract folder format: PRODUCT-BLEND-VERSION(excluding build)
- Version is 'semver' standard compliant
- Version includes both code version, and build suffix, identifying when the same code is rebuilt
- Blend indicates custom variants. 'standard' indicates no custom changes
- Installer displays full build information
Intent & impact
Xi-Text was originally created in the 1980's, way before Linux was a thing. Now most Unix users have migrated to Linux or have it on their roadmap. Linux platforms have variances with libraries, versions and profiles. Therefore, alongside the build system, the release naming has been updated to accommodate this. It also increases speed from code changes to distributions.
The elements of the string are selected to represent industry-standard nomenclature
The suffix '_legacy' identifies that this version is now in sunset.
Distributed file names are of a new format, for example, Xi-Text distribution:
This file will unpack to the folder PRODUCT-BLEND-VERSION(excluding build) - for example, Xi-Text extracts to:
- Inline message updates
- Installer text
System messages have been updated for improved readability. Various quality improvements made.
Licence management system
- Licence code logic & enforcement updated
Intent & impact
The licence logic has been updated to better handle 64-bit CPU's and virtualised usage.
New installations will be required to issue a new key, however existing serial numbers will continue to be valid.
Automated licence server
- Security enhancements
Intent & impact
The automated licence service was withdrawn in 2020 subject to a security assessment. This was not as a result of any compromise, but to recognise the changed threat landscape of which the system predated.
Following the system updates, the automated licence service is now available using vwrite -I.
- New options to enable unattended licence renewal:
- -s [serial number]
- Specify an existing serial number
- -o "[Organisation name]"
- Note quotes around the name, required if there are spaces
- -q
- Non-interactive - ask no questions, succeed or fail (requires -s and -o)
- -s [serial number]
Intent & impact
Many systems are now Internet-connected so the licence process can be further automated. The added options enable the serial number and organisation name to be passed on the command line, therefore making vwrite scriptable. Should a licence expire, the customer can automate renewal through their own scripting. Example usage for Xi-Batch:
sudo /usr/local/bin/xb-vwrite -I -q -o "Your Org name" -s 00000000
To manage performance and security, a high frequency of requests to the server will result in your network being blocked.
- Fixed path bug
Intent & impact
The DEINSTALL process failed to complete owing to a code error. The DEINSTALL process now operates as expected.
Default path changes for FHS Compliance
Installation path changed as follows:
- Spool directory: /var/spool/spd -> /var/spool/xi/spd
- Sockets directory: /var/spool/spuds -> /var/spool/xi/spuds
- Printers directory: /var/spool/printers -> /var/spool/xi/printers
- Internal program files: /var/spool/progs -> /usr/libexec/xi
- Help files: /var/spool/progs -> /usr/share/xi
- Spool directory: /var/spool/batch -> /var/spool/xi/batch
- Sockets directory: /var/spool/btuds -> /var/spool/xi/btuds
- Internal program files: /var/spool/progs" -> /usr/libexec/xi
- Help files: /var/spool/progs -> /usr/share/xi
All other paths are unchanged from the previous version.
Intent & impact
The original Unix file system design evolved many decades ago owing to a disk size limit on a PDP-11 during early Unix development days and this workaround stuck, creating ambiguous names such as /usr and /home, and lack of clarity as to where programs should be installed.
This has since been addressed through the 2015 Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). Following this, most Linux distributions have unified their installations through a usr-merge project therefore the file system is simplified and more predictable.
To become aligned with FHS , the product installation paths have changed.
Original paths can be specified in your master config file. If you are unable to set this, files from previous installations must be migrated.
Warning: DEINSTALL will remove your master config.
Should it not be possible to change file locations, contact your distributor to request a custom build that will reuse your existing path structure.
Known issues
Depending on installation paths, DEINSTALL does not fully remove the software. This will be resolved in a future update.